AS before this fascinating detour in my life happened when Artist Singh asked to take photos of me as I rode Bob ( Sweet Cody TWBEA) home from the local Memorial day parade. I had ridden "Bob" as I wanted a quiet ride with no surprizes, and to be able to attend the service at the end of the parade at the cemetary. Bob stood quitely dozing through the service and hardly flinched when the 21 gun salute was completed. Our ride towards home was also uneventful, other than the detour to a convienenvce store to pick up the local newspaper and drinks for us for the ride home ( our Walkers love to drink pop) . A few people were puzzled about the horse tethererd to the post outside the gas station!
Artist Singh went door to door several weeks later looking for information about the horse and myself. He explained what he planned to do and did I know any other horsewomen.
So my friend and breeder of TWH, Ginny Munn, and Hannah Schwartz, (my daughter) became involved in the project with several other friends and breeds of horses. All of my experiences with the TWBEA has been through Virginia "Ginny" Munn and I purchased both Sweet Cody (AKA BOB) and "Ike's Rockin Graffiti" from her. Ginny's stallion "Rock on John" is Ike's 1/2 brother.
Other breeds that are in the mural are Appaloosa, Arabian, Foundation Quarter horse, and Paint.
Bob was a wonderful represenative of his breed when we took him into downtown Grand Rapids on the last weekend of the ARTPRIZE event. Someone was quoted as saying " WOW a real horse!" Bob calmly unlaoded from the trailer and walked through the crowd and other art exhibits as if nothing was new to him
Artist Singh has more on this artwork at: Do look at this and I have enclosed his email address so you may contact him. The mural is entitled " The Power of Women"
Please do look at This was the third year in Grand Rapids Michigan for the event.
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The power of Women (Drip Painting) by Artist singh Size: 10 feet x 35 feet Display location: Artprize2011 (TheBOB)Grand Rpids MI |